Tuesday, June 24, 2008

skillet tornado homeruns!

So this weekend I went to Tuckers because I didn't think I would get to see him again this whole summer. So I went. We camped out the whole weekend which was really fun. We camped out at a tractor show. It wasn't just tractors though. It was like a mini fair with food and shopping. They also had different events that people could get signed up for. So Tuckers family kept bothing me about entering one contest. Which I ended up entering. It was the skillet throwing contest! HA HA. Funny I know! Well I was the second youngest in this contest. Well I get up there for my first throw... decent... only the practice throw though. So my next throw, went 40 ft in the air and only landed 29 feet from me! HORRIBLE throw considering the old ladies were throwing 40 feet easy! ha ha... So everyone gets another throw... everyone goes... then I go.... I end up throwing a cast iron skillet 68.9 feet! HA HA... I ended up winning the whole contest.... I was pretty upset that I didn't win anything! BOO!
So next event that took place was AWESOME! Tucker is working the tractor pulls and I'm sitting on his four-wheeler watching. Well he runs over and tells me to put his fireman stuff in his truck and come back and pick him up. So I knew something was wrong because he got a call from his firehouse. I take the four-wheeler to his truck as fast as I can, people were slow. Then I came back and picked him up and we got to go TORNADO chasing because he is a fireman... It ended up not being a big deal because by the time we got to his firestation they didn' t have anything for him to do! WEIRD!
Next thing happened last night. Of course I'm in softball and playing with my church league team. They changed the fields we play on this year. So we have fences this year. They were only going to allow us to hit 2 homeruns. So everyone on the team that could hit homeruns decided that we would only hit one if the bases were loaded or 2 people on. Mandy, my best friend, is the first one up to bat for our team. She gets the first pitch and hits it over the fence. NO ONE ON THE BASES! We all yell "MANDY" she is running around the bases and we don't come out of the dugout until she almost hits home plate... IT was hilarious. I hit the other homerun in the last inning when there was 2 people on like we agreed to before the game.


Lynn said...

So is Tucker out of town for the rest of the summer now?? : (

Alyssa said...

Nope, he didn't end up going because his work didn't get a tractor for him in time. So he's at home working and I'm here working. I hear you might be coming for the fourth! I might have to work some that weekend but we will still have plenty of time to hang out!!! YIPPEE!