Friday, October 24, 2008

Education is important you see!

I thought I would getcha caught up on my past couple months. I have been student teaching at a school ten minutes from my house. It has been an excellent experience so far. I completed half of my assignment, which went wonderfully. Now i'm teaching in high school. But, first I taught elementary second grade. It was sooooo fun! You don't realize how funny kids are until you spend 8 weeks with them. They have the craziest questions! This was so funny! One day in the classroom, a girl walked in and she was my host teachers' sons girlfriend. Well all the students wanted to know who she was so the teacher says "that's Mr. Casebeer's girlfriend" (because my host teachers' son is a sixth grade teacher in the same school) well one little boy raises his hand and says "Your husband has a girlfriend?" It was hilarious! We all laughed. Then there is a little boy that I worked with everyday and he was working on his morning work... I was helping him correct sentences that were wrong. I asked him "does a big letter or little letter start at the beginning of a sentence?" He looked at me and hit himself in the head and said "OW, it's a big letter, I knew that" It was soooo cute and funny. Ok one other funny story. I was at lunch one day and a little boy saw that I had a fruit roll up. He said, "you can't eat that!" I was like "why not" and he said, "because you are too old!" He was soooo serious. He must think that grown ups can't eat fruit roll-ups. So to get to the high schoool. The first day I was there I had a kid get kicked out of class for tell a girl, "stay out of my F*&^ing business!" That just tells you how different high school is from good ole second graders! ha ha.... Fun stuff huh?!?! GRADUATION on DECEMBER 13, 2008!!!!!

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